The Quest for the Best Burger in Corvallis

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not a burger, but still great

Skyler says:
This may not be a burger, but it is still worth mentioning because it tastes friggin' awesome!

This is the Orange-Creamsicle shake from Arby's and it was so good I had to go back and get another one!

It reminds me of those little orange sherbet and vanilla ice cream cups that you eat with the little wooden spoons, only you eat this one with a straw.

Skyler rates it: 7.0

Shauna says:
Brings back fond memories of chasing ice cream trucks down the street for a 50 cent orange dreamsicle. Yummm. Of course, now the lactose intolerance gets in the way, but these are worth the indigestion. Damn, they're good. If the orange flavor was a little stronger, they'd be perfect.

Shauna rates it: 7.5

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